“I saw a woman almost die giving birth in my village …”

Abundant Grace of God Extension opened in 2012 and serves the villages surrounding Bugnay, Tinglayan with prenatal, labor and delivery, post-partum and primary health care.
Jackie shared a story about the time she saw a woman from her village almost die giving birth and how it made her decide to become a midwife.
When Jackie was a teenager, she witnessed a woman in labor with her first baby in her home village of Buscalan. She watched this woman push for almost 24 hours with only the old women in the village attending to her. Jackie was so scared to see this woman already so swollen and exhausted, hanging from a doorway trying with all her strength to deliver her baby. After 24 hours of pushing and no baby, the villagers carried the woman to the road where they waited for a vehicle to take her to the hospital one hour away.
The woman delivered via C-section and both mom and baby survived, but this experience made Jackie realize that her village really needed trained midwives and she was going to become one!
Trained midwives are the most effective way to reduce maternal mortality. More midwives, equipped birth centres and referral systems are needed all over the world to help mothers survive childbirth.

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